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Academic Progress
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Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress (Original Programmatic Offerings)


Applicable to students who remain enrolled in Relay’s original and discontinued program versions, effective Summer 2024, and/or NY students remaining in NY MAT CO2024 (Entering Summer 2022) program who opt into Extended Enrollment for SY24-25. 


To maintain good academic standing, students must:

  1. Earn a minimum grade of 70% (or a C-) in all courses,

  2. Earn a minimum 2.7 GPA each term, and

  3. Earn a minimum cumulative 2.7 GPA to complete the program.


Relay reviews students’ complete academic records at the end of each academic term to determine whether they are meeting the standards of progress shown in Table 17. To view Academic Honors for students who started their program prior to the Summer 2023 term, view this policy.


Table 17: Applicable to students who remain enrolled  in Relay’s original and discontinued program versions, effective Summer 2024, and/or NY students remaining in NY MAT CO2024 (Entering Summer 2022) program who opt into Extended Enrollment for SY24-25.

Standards of Academic Progress

Enrollment Implications

Dean’s List Honors

3.7 or greater GPA and 70% or greater in all courses for the term


Academic Honors

3.5–3.69 GPA and 70% or greater in all courses for the term


Good Standing

2.7 or greater GPA and 70% or greater in all courses for the term



Less than 2.7 GPA or less than 70% in any course for the term

Student must return to good standing next term. Two consecutive terms of probation will result in dismissal.


Less than 1.0 GPA for the term

Student will be dismissed from Relay effective the end of the term, which may result in loss of teaching certification and have financial implications.


Every term, students receive end-of-term notifications of academic standing. Students should consistently monitor their progress in a course on Canvas throughout the term by using “What If” scenarios. Please note that students who have no failed courses and are granted one or more incompletes will have their academic status noted as pending incomplete coursework and will be informed of their term academic status upon resolution of all outstanding incompletes. The vast majority of students remain in good standing for the entirety of their time at Relay. However, students who are on academic probation for any reason have one term in which to return to satisfactory academic standing; failure to do so results in a program dismissal from Relay. 


Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress (All Other Students)

Applicable to all other students. 


To complete their program, students must:

  1. Earn a minimum grade of 80% (or a B-) in all required credit-bearing courses, and

  2. Earn a minimum cumulative 2.7 GPA.


Relay reviews students’ complete academic records at the end of each academic term to determine whether they are meeting the standards of progress shown in Table 18. Certification/licensure-seeking students must meet standards for satisfactory academic progress as well as all state- and program-specific certification/licensure program completion requirements, which may include testing and qualifying clinical experience, in order to be considered an educator preparation program completer. State- and program-specific information on educator preparation program completion requirements are detailed in the program’s Transition Points Guide and corresponding EPP Handbook.


Table 18: Applicable to all other students. 

End-of-Term Academic Standing

Enrollment Implications

Good Standing

Term GPA at or above 2.7 AND no failed courses in the term


Academic Probation

Term GPA below 2.7 for the term OR failed one or more courses in the term

Student must return to good standing next term. Two consecutive terms of probation will result in dismissal.


Term GPA below 1.0 

Student will be dismissed from Relay effective the end of the term, which may result in loss of teaching certification and have financial implications.


Table 19: Applicable to all other students. 

Academic Honors by Term

Dean’s List

Term GPA at or above 3.7 

Academic Honors

Term GPA between 3.5–3.69 


Table 20: Applicable to all other students. 

Graduation/Program Completion Honors

Highest Distinction

Cumulative GPA of 4.0

High Distinction

Cumulative GPA of 3.7–3.99


Cumulative GPA of 3.5–3.69


Every term, students receive end-of-term notifications of academic standing. Students should consistently monitor their progress in a course on Canvas throughout the term by using “What If” scenarios. Students who earned a grade between B- and F may end a term in good academic standing but still be required to retake the course in order to complete their program—this may delay program completion and will be noted in their end-of-term notification of academic standing. Students who have no failed courses and are granted one or more incompletes will have their academic status noted as pending incomplete coursework and will be informed of their term academic status upon resolution of all outstanding incompletes. The vast majority of students remain in good standing for the entirety of their time at Relay. However, students who are on academic probation for any reason have one term in which to return to satisfactory academic standing; failure to do so results in a program dismissal from Relay. 


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