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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Home > Relay Documents Hub > Student Handbook > Appendices > Appendix A: Consumer Information
Appendix A: Consumer Information
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Grievance Resolution

In the event that a student has exhausted the institutional grievance policy and believes that their issue has not been resolved, the student has the right to contact Relay’s accrediting bodies and/or relevant state agency. 

Accreditation Agencies 

Middle States Commission on Higher Education

3624 Market Street, Suite 2 West

Philadelphia, PA 19104

(267) 284-5000

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

1140 19th St. NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC 20036

(202) 223-0077

State Authorization Agencies

Colorado Department of Higher Education
1300 Broadway Rd., Second Floor
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 866-2723 or (303) 866-4209 

Connecticut Office of Higher Education
61 Woodland St.
Hartford, CT 06105-2326
(860) 947-1800 or (860) 947-1310 

Delaware Department of Education
The Townsend Building
401 Federal St., Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
(302) 735-4000 

District of Columbia Education Licensure Commission
810 1st Street, NE, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 727-2824

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission
2082 E. Exchange Pl., Suite 220
Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 414-3306

Illinois Board of Higher Education
1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, IL 62701-1377
(217) 557-7359 

Indiana Commission for Higher Education, Board for Proprietary Education
101 W. Ohio St., Suite 670
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 464-4400 or (317) 232-1324 

Louisiana Board of Regents
PO Box 3677
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
(225) 342-4253 

New Jersey Secretary of Higher Education
20 W. State St.
PO Box 542
Trenton, NJ 08625-0542
(609) 292-4310 or (609) 984-2709 

New York Office of College and University Evaluation
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
(518) 474-3852 

Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market St.
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
(717) 783-6785 

Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Parkway Towers, Suite 1700
404 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37243-0830
(615) 741-3605 

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
PO Box 12788
Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711
(512) 427-6520 


SARA Member States and Territories (Online Courses and Programs) 


New York Office of College and University Evaluation
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
(518) 474-3852 or (512) 427-6520 

California (Online Courses and Programs)

California Department of Consumer Affairs
1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112
Sacramento, CA 95834
(833) 942-1120 or (800) 952-5210

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