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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
How to Register For Courses
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This section covers the step-by-step instructions necessary to register for courses.  

Navigate to Registration

Click here to view a screencast walking through this step.

Review: Registration Page Details

  1. Navigate to My Academics > Registration
  2. Select a Program. The current program is displayed by default.
    • If you are enrolled in one program only, the program is already selected.
    • If you are enrolled in multiple programs, a message is displayed indicating the number of programs you are enrolled in. Select your current program for which you want to register classes. If you have questions regarding which program to register for, reach out to your advisor at [email protected]
  3. Select a Term. If only one term exists, the term is already selected.
  4. If the Registration Status for your courses is "Open", select the Register button to proceed to Step 1 - Select Courses.

Step 1 - Select Courses

Review: Select Courses Page Details

In Step 1 of the Registration process, you select the courses you wish to add or drop. The page has multiple sections. Click the Expand   and Collapse   buttons to expand and collapse the sections.  Before proceeding, be sure to expand the legend for the icons used on the registration page.  Before selecting your first course, it's important to understand the sections of the Registration page.


Use Course Search

The page initially displays the Course Search tab which enables you to specify criteria for the course search. Click on the +  icon to add search criteria that helps you to filter the courses by clicking the Search button.

Note: The search criteria can be the Course Code or/and the values under Choose Filters.


Use Quick Add

The Quick Add tab enables you to specify a Course Code and Section to add to Selected Courses section. Use the Quick Add tab if you know the Course Code (required) and Section identifier of a course you wish to register for. Select Add Course to insert the course into the Selected Courses section.

Once found and all applicable prerequisites or corequisites are met, the desired course is added to the Selected Courses grid. Once the course is added, a confirmation message is displayed

If any prerequisites and/or corequisites are not met, a message appears below the Add Course button indicating why registration is not allowed.

You can return to the Course Search tab to look up more courses, or, if you know the course codes, remain on the Quick Add tab to add more courses.


Use All Courses

The page initially displays All Courses for your program. Generally, courses that you have already taken and passed are not displayed. Courses that you failed are available for registration if you did not attempt the course more than the maximum number of times allowed by Relay.


To Select Courses

Click here to view a screencast walking through this step.

In the Course Search module search for courses by selecting appropriate options from the following search criteria:

  • Type (for example, Lecture, Clinical, Capstone, or *All*)
  • Course Code (specify at least 3 characters)
  • Meeting Days (days of the week)
  • Class start time
  • Class end time
    1. Select Search
    2. View search results in the All Courses module
      • Select Clear Filters to remove filters and reset All Courses to the default list
    3. Select the add   icon next to the desired course sections in the All Courses module
      • If there are prerequisites or corequisites for a course section and you click the add   icon, a popup window displays details about prerequisite or corequisite courses. You cannot register into the course or be waitlisted unless all prerequisite rules including required courses, minimum grades (if required), and any testing requirements (if applicable) are met. When registering in a course that has corequisites, you must register in all corequisite courses at the same time before proceeding.
      • The R   icon before the course code refers to a Required course, whereas E   icon indicates the Elective courses. Courses that are neither elective nor required, do not have any icon before them
    4. Review your selections in the Selected Courses module.
      • If the selected course was previously added to the selection list under a different section, the following message is displayed. Click OK to dismiss.  You must unregister from the original course section before you can register for the new course section.
      • If the schedule of the selected course section conflicts with other courses already on your schedule, the following message is displayed. Select Expand to view details of a conflict. Select Yes to keep the added course on the selection grid or No to select a different section.
    5. Once you have confirmed the courses available in the Selected Courses section, you have two options:
      • Select View to go to Step 2 - View Courses [Optional], where you can review your course schedule
      • Select Register/Drop if you want to skip "Step 2 - View Courses" and go directly to Step 3 - Register to complete registration.


Step 2 - View Courses [Optional]

Click here to view a screencast walking through this step.

Step 2 of the Registration process allows you to view your selected courses in a calendar view showing the times and statuses for each class. This step also provides an opportunity to verify the information about the classes you selected (day, time, location, instructor, etc.).

To View Schedules and Courses

  1. Select View under Selected Courses module to go to Step 2 - View Courses
  2. View each week of the proposed schedule. Choose the Week from the drop-down on the top right of the page.
    • The icons that appear in the calendar are the same ones used in the Selected Courses module. Select Expand   in the header to review the legend for the icons
  3. Scroll down to view the Selected Courses section.
    • Select column
      • Select the check box to keep the course in your selection and on the calendar.
      • Clear the check box, if you do not want this course to be carried forward to Step 3 of the registration process.
    • Action column
      • Click the icons to place a course on a wait list, reserve a course, drop a course, or remove it from the Selected Courses module.
    • Code column
      • Select the Code link to view the class start and end dates, delivery method, location, comments, and schedule for the class.
        • You can also hover over a class in the calendar view to see the class time, building, room, and instructor.
  4. By default, the Calendar View shows all courses you selected. If you want to focus on just a few classes, clear the Select check boxes in the Selected Courses panel for the courses you do not want to see in the Calendar.
    • Courses with different statuses appear in different colors.
      • Yellow
        • The course is registered or pending to be registered.
      • Green
        • The course is selected for registration. The chosen course is not waitlisted nor reserved and does not conflict with any other courses in your program.
      • Red
        • The course has a scheduling conflict (classes overlap). Pending classes do not conflict with pending drop classes.
  5. To unregister a course, select the Remove   icon.
    • You may be prompted to select a reason 
  6. Once you have completed your selection review, select Register/Drop to proceed to Step 3 - Register.
    • To return to Step 1 - Select Courses, click the Select button.


Step 3 - Register

Click here to view a screencast walking through this step.

Step 3 of the Registration process allows you to complete the course registration. Step 3 has three sections that provide details about Student InformationClass Schedule, and Registration Information. The Class Schedule and Registration Information sections will be displayed once the registration process is complete.

To Complete the Registration

  1. Verify that your course additions and (if applicable) drops are displayed accurately on the page. If necessary, select Return to View Courses to change your selections (see Step 2 - View Courses).
  2. If you selected courses for registration, select Register. All courses selected for registration will be registered. The page will display the results of the register action.
    • If you selected courses for unregistration, select Unregister. All courses selected for unregistration will be dropped. The page will display the results of the unregister action.
    • If you selected courses for both registration and unregistering, you will see the option to Register/Unregister All.  The page will display the results of the completed actions.
  3. On the resulting screen, Select Export Schedule to download a calendar file named event.ics.
  4. Expand Registration Information and review the details provided by your institution.
  5. Select Print Page to print the statement for your records if desired.
  6. Close the registration window when you are finished
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