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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Home > Relay Documents Hub > Student Handbook > Registration > Withdrawing From an Individual Course
Withdrawing From an Individual Course
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In rare circumstances after the census date, a student* in conjunction with their advisor may determine that it is not in their best interest to maintain their current course load, but they wish to remain enrolled in some courses. After the census date, the only routinely permissible changes of registration are withdrawals from an individual course. Withdrawing from individual courses could have financial implications and could result in students being off track to complete their program and/or certification requirements. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisor and Student Financial Services before requesting to withdraw from an individual course. Students can request to withdraw from an individual course by consulting with their advisor and completing the request form. Students requesting to withdraw from individual courses will receive a “W” grade for the individual course. Although students would have the option to request a withdrawal from multiple individual courses in one term, students must remain enrolled in at least one course of the term. Students who withdraw from a course after the census date will still be charged for the course. If a student intends to withdraw from all of their courses, the student should consider completing the withdrawal form or requesting a leave of absence.     


Students should see Census Dates and Billing Due Dates and Refunds for information regarding the financial implications of withdrawing from individual courses. Students must request to withdraw from a course by the last day of the term in which they are registered in the course.     


Procedure for Withdrawing From an Individual Course

To withdraw from an individual course after the census date:

  • Students meet with their advisor, certification officer, and the Office of Student Financial Services to discuss the implications of withdrawing from individual course(s).

  • Students request to withdraw from an individual course by completing the request form.

  • The Registrar’s Office will communicate the outcome of the request to the student and the student’s advisor.

  • For approved requests, the Registrar’s Office will issue a finalized grade of “W” for the student’s requested course(s). This “W” is final, and the request cannot be reversed. 


*Students who remain enrolled in Relay’s original and discontinued program versions, effective Summer 2024, and/or NY students remaining in NYC MAT CO2024 (Entering Summer 2022) program who opt into Extended Enrollment for SY24-25 are not eligible to withdraw from individual courses due to courses being offered for the final time.

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