It is the policy of Relay to prohibit all forms of harassment at Relay or any other place where a Relay-sponsored event (including on-premise and off-premise events) occurs. Relay takes seriously any conduct that creates a hostile environment for students or employees based on other protected characteristics (e.g., race, religion, ability). The purpose of this policy is not to regulate personal morality or to encroach on the personal lives of students or employees. Rather, this policy demonstrates Relay’s commitment to maintaining a supportive academic environment and high standards of character that are not compromised by harassment of members of the Relay community. This policy is also designed to comply with applicable laws.
With respect to Relay employees, this policy applies to full-time employees, part-time employees, interns, and independent contractors, as well as to other types of Relay personnel.
Defining Harassment
The following definitions and guidance are intended to assist students in understanding and complying with Relay’s policies. However, please note that they are not exhaustive. It is important to note that Relay follows all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations that may be relevant to the topics discussed in this section.
In the event of any discrepancies between this section and any law or regulation, the law or regulation will take precedence. Students should familiarize themselves with relevant laws, consult Relay resources, and seek external advice for questions or concerns.
An individual is guilty of harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person:
Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise subjects such other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or
Follows a person in or about a public place or places; or
Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts that alarm or seriously annoy another person with no legitimate purpose.
Sexual harassment is an especially egregious form of misconduct. Matters involving sex-based misconduct, including sexual assault and harassment, are addressed separately pursuant to Relay’s Sex- Based Misconduct Policy and Procedures. Matters will be referred to Relay’s Title IX coordinator, Dr. Nichelle Bowes, by sending an email to [email protected].
Investigation and Remediation
If students or employees believe that they have experienced harassment of any type, or believe that they have witnessed harassment of any type, they should immediately notify the Student Affairs Team, by emailing [email protected]. If a claim of harassment involves conduct by any member of Relay’s executive team (the provost, the president, chief financial and operating officer, general counsel, or any other member of Relay’s executive team), students or employees should report the concern via [email protected] and it will be forwarded directly to Relay’s chair of the board or to this person’s designee.
All reports of harassment will be promptly investigated. If an informal, administrative resolution is mutually acceptable to all parties and can resolve the matter, it will be implemented. If an informal administrative resolution is not achieved, then Relay will further investigate the matter and, if appropriate, determine the corrective action to be taken. Relay will communicate the necessary corrective action to both parties in writing. Either party involved in the process may request an appeal of the corrective action taken if not satisfied with the process, the determination, or the sanction imposed.
Students may appeal the determination made, the sanction, or both. The appeal must be submitted in writing via email and sent to the vice provost of student affairs within 10 business days of Relay sending the determination to the student. The grounds for an appeal are that new information not previously available should be taken into consideration, that procedural irregularities were present in the process and such irregularities significantly affected the determination, or that the sanction imposed is not appropriate for the violation. The appeal should clearly set forth the basis of the appeal, explain the students’ position on the appeal, and set forth any supporting documentation. The vice provost of student affairs will evaluate all appeals and related accompanying materials in collaboration with the director of student affairs and any relevant staff or faculty. While the vice provost may elect to meet with students, a meeting is not required. The outcome of the appeal may be to (a) uphold, in whole or in part, the determination of a violation, (b) to sustain or modify, in whole or in part, the sanction applied, or (c) to return the matter to the director of student affairs for further review. The decision of the vice provost of student affairs is final.
Information about claims of harassment will be kept confidential to the extent consistent with a credible investigation and applicable local, state, or federal laws.
It is important to understand that conduct that has not been found to violate Relay’s harassment policy may still violate Relay’s code of conduct for unprofessional behavior.
Important Notice to All Students and Employees: Students and employees who have experienced conduct, witnessed conduct, or been told of conduct that may violate this policy have an obligation to report the conduct in accordance with this complaint procedure. Students’ or employees’ failure to fulfill this obligation could affect the ability of Relay to fully investigate a matter and could permit inappropriate conduct to continue. Also, please note that federal, state, and local discrimination laws and regulations establish specific time frames for initiating a proceeding.
If an investigation finds that harassment has occurred, Relay shall take appropriate corrective action. For students, confirmed cases of harassment shall be treated as violations of Relay’s code of conduct and corrective action implemented as set forth under the code of conduct. For employees, corrective action may include, but not necessarily be limited to, an official memorandum in an employee’s personnel file, salary adjustment of the offending employee, or the termination of the offending employee. In addition, Relay may require that students or employees engage in training or counseling to develop a better understanding of the policy prohibiting harassment and to prevent another occurrence. The proper supervisor or advisor may also follow up with students or employees after corrective action has been taken to ensure that the harassment has ceased and to determine whether any retaliatory actions have occurred.
No students or employees shall be subject to retaliation, intimidation, or discipline as a result of making a complaint of harassment or participating in an investigation. However, disciplinary action up to and including administrative withdrawal may be taken against anyone who knowingly makes a false, meritless, or malicious claim of harassment.