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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. You can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Home > Alumni Affairs > The Alumni & Student Advisory Council (ASAC)
The Alumni & Student Advisory Council (ASAC)
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The Alumni & Student Advisory Council (ASAC) is Relay's principal student and alumni organization. This year, we have the unique pleasure of combining both our alumni and student council to bridge connections and build community. As we engage in national feedback and decision-making on policies and activities affecting the Relay community in the council, we find it valuable and important that it comes from both perspectives.


The primary purpose of the council is to works towards the continuous improvement of the institution by:

  • soliciting students’ opinions and input on programs and practices at the institution,
  • organizing and sponsoring social, cultural, civic and academic events to improve the quality of life for graduate students,
  • fostering student interaction across identity markers, disciplines and campuses, and
  • facilitating communication between graduate students and the administration.

Members (students and alumni) meet monthly throughout the school year. The council is led by the Manager of Student Affairs, Naeema Stennett.

Meet our current ASAC members.

Past topics discussed by the Student Advisory Council include:

  • Removing questions about felony status from the Relay application
  • Clarifying the Bursar Hold/Academic Graduation Hold/Registration Hold Policy
  • Launching Kappa Delta Pi
  • Strengthening Certification Support
  • Brainstorming possible Equity Audit of student-facing policies
  • Clarifying DACA resources for teachers
  • Providing "" addresses for incoming students
  • Brainstorming student portal features and functions


Contacting ASAC

Email the Office of Student Affairs if you are Relay Faculty/Staff and request presence at an upcoming meeting.

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