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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Georgia Program Offerings
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Relay currently offers the following programs in Georgia with licensure through Relay's Colorado-approved educator preparation program: 


Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Arts in Teaching with or without Licensure  

  • A 2-year, 32-credit, Master of Arts in Teaching program leading to eligibility for a Colorado Initial Teacher License. 

    • Relay Teaching Residency Pathway - Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program

      • The residency pathway supports aspiring teachers, offering a supportive gradual on-ramp into the profession.

      • In the first year, students serve as teaching residents, completing a year-long apprenticeship alongside a lead teacher. 

      • After the first four terms and completing all EPP requirements, Relay will verify completion of the Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure program, which students may use to apply for licensure outside of Colorado. 

      • In the second year, students teach as a teacher of record (lead teacher).

    • Non-Resident Pathway - This pathway is designed for students who will be the lead teacher in the first year of enrollment in the M.A.T. program. 

      • Students will serve as a teacher of record (lead teacher) throughout their enrollment in their program.

      • The non-resident pathway is a degree-only pathway and does not lead to licensure.   


Georgia Program Offerings

Master of Arts in Teaching (Residency)

General Education

Master of Arts in Teaching (Non-Residency)

General Education

Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Type

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program


Content Areas Offered

MAT in Early Childhood Education

MAT in Elementary Education

MAT in English Language Arts Education

MAT in Mathematics Education

MAT in Science Education

MAT in Social Studies Education


MAT in Elementary Education

MAT in English Language Arts Education

MAT in Mathematics Education

MAT in Science Education

MAT in Social Studies Education

Teaching Endorsements Offered

CO Early Childhood Education (Ages 0-8)

CO Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

CO English Language Arts (Grades 7-12)

CO Middle School Mathematics (Grades 6-8)

CO Secondary Mathematics (Grades 7-12)

CO Science (Grades 7-12)

CO Social Studies (Grades 7-12)


Program-Aligned Instructional Role Requirements

Year 1: Teaching Resident in the endorsement area

Year 2: Teacher of Record in the endorsement area

Year 1: Teacher of Record in the endorsement area

Year 2: Teacher of Record in the endorsement area

EPP Admissions Requirements

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program Admissions Requirements


EPP Next Steps

No early next steps




MAT in Early Childhood Education

MAT in Elementary Education

MAT in English Language Arts Education

MAT in Mathematics Education

MAT in Science Education

MAT in Social Studies Education

MAT in Early Childhood Education

MAT in Elementary Education

MAT in English Language Arts Education

MAT in Mathematics Education

MAT in Science Education

MAT in Social Studies Education

Expected Number of Terms to Complete






Total Tuition




Master of Arts in Teaching in Special Education with or without Licensure

  • A 2-year, 39-credit, program that will lead to the Colorado Initial Teacher License in Elementary Education (Grades K-6).

    • Relay Teaching Residency Pathway - Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program

      • The residency pathway supports aspiring teachers, offering a supportive gradual on-ramp into the profession.

      • In the first year, students serve as teaching residents, completing a year-long apprenticeship alongside a lead teacher. 

      • After the first four terms and completing all EPP requirements, Relay will verify completion of the Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure program, which students may use to apply for licensure outside of Colorado. 

      • In the second year, students teach as a teacher of record (lead teacher).

      • This program does not lead to licensure or an endorsement in Special Education for students who do not already hold a Colorado Initial Teacher License. 

    • Non-Resident Pathway - This pathway is designed for students who will be the lead teacher in the first year of enrollment in the M.A.T. program. 

      • Students will serve as a teacher of record (lead teacher) throughout their enrollment in their program.

      • The non-resident pathway is a degree-only pathway and does not lead to licensure.  

    • Students who are not seeking licensure may enroll in the Master of Arts of Teaching or Master of Arts in Teaching - Special Education through the non-resident pathway as a degree-only student. 

Georgia Program Offerings

Master of Arts in Teaching (Residency)

Special Education

Master of Arts in Teaching (Non-Residency)

Special Education

Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Type

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program


Content Areas Offered

MAT in Special Education


MAT in Special Education

Teaching Endorsements Offered

CO Early Childhood Education (Ages 0-8)

CO Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

CO English Language Arts (Grades 7-12)

CO Middle School Mathematics (Grades 6-8)

CO Secondary Mathematics (Grades 7-12)

CO Science (Grades 7-12)

CO Social Studies (Grades 7-12)


Program-Aligned Instructional Role Requirements

Year 1: Teaching Resident in the endorsement area

Year 2: Teacher of Record position with the ability to conduct direct-instruction to a minimum of six students who are officially classified as having disabilities, and the capacity to tutor a small group of students for the entirety of the school year.

Year 1: Teacher of Record in the endorsement area

Year 2: Teacher of Record position with the ability to conduct direct-instruction to a minimum of six students who are officially classified as having disabilities, and the capacity to tutor a small group of students for the entirety of the school year.

EPP Admissions Requirements

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program Admissions Requirements


EPP Next Steps

No early next steps




MAT in Special Education

MAT in Special Education

Expected Number of Terms to Complete






Total Tuition





Licensure Only

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program - Relay Teaching Residents

  • A 4-term/23-credit non-degree program designed to prepare teacher candidates for licensure while serving as the teacher-in-residence in a PK-12 school. 

  • Prospective students must have completed a bachelor's degree and meet admissions requirements (see below) for the Traditional Teacher Licensure Program.

  • After completing all Colorado EPP requirements, Relay will verify completion of the Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure program, which students may use to apply for licensure outside of Colorado.


Advanced Certificate

Advanced Certificate in Special Education

  • Relay offers an Advanced Certificate in Special Education program for certified educators who wish to expand their skill set to teach all learners.

  • A 4-term, 21-credit post-baccalaureate certificate program. 

  • Applicants can pursue a program with or without licensure.

  • This program does not lead to licensure or an endorsement in Special Education for students who do not already hold a Colorado Initial Teacher License. 

  • Prospective students must have a valid teaching license to enroll in the Advanced Certificate in Special Education Program. 





Licensure Only (Residency)

Advanced Certificate in Special Education




(EPP) Type

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program





Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

English Language Arts Education

Mathematics Education

Science Education

Social Studies Education

Special Education




CO Early Childhood Education (Ages 0-8)

CO Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

CO English Language Arts (Grades 7-12)

CO Middle School Mathematics (Grades 6-8)

CO Secondary Mathematics (Grades 7-12)

CO Science (Grades 7-12)

CO Social Studies (Grades 7-12)







Year 1: Teaching Resident in the endorsement area

Year 1: Teacher of Record position with the ability to conduct direct-instruction to a minimum of six students who are officially classified as having disabilities, and the capacity to tutor a small group of students for the entirety of the school year.


Admissions Requirements

Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program Admissions Requirements



Next Steps

No early next steps




Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education

English Language Arts Education

Mathematics Education

Science Education

Social Studies Education

Special Education



of Terms

to Complete






Total Tuition





Available Colorado endorsements for Relay Teaching Residents enrolling in the Master of Arts in Teaching program with Licensure or the Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure program: 

  • Early Childhood Education (Ages 0-8)

  • Elementary Education (Grades K-6)

  • English Language Arts (Grades 7-12)

  • Middle School Mathematics (Grades 6-8)

  • Mathematics (Grades 7-12)

  • Science (Grades 7-12)

  • Social Studies (Grades 7-12)

Relay Teaching Residents in the licensure track of the Master of Arts in Teaching program with Licensure or the Licensure Only - Colorado Traditional Teacher Licensure Program will also complete the requirements for the Colorado Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (Grades K-12) endorsement. 


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