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The US Department of Education (ED) provided clarification about the temporary federal aid pause. The department confirmed that no grants or loans would be paused or delayed. At this time, Relay’s Student Financial Services team continues to review all Direct loan and TEACH grant applications. The spring term disbursement is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025. You can read the ED announcements here, and you can apply for federal loans with Relay here. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
I'm expecting a refund, how do I enroll in direct deposit?
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Students who will be receiving a refund can have their refund issued via Direct Deposit


Important Refund Timelines to Consider:

  • Students expecting a refund from,

    • Federal financial aid requests can expect the funds to be released to their account within two weeks after the scheduled disbursement date.

      • Example, if your Direct Unsubsidized Loan is disbursed to your Relay account on April 4, the refund will be released no later than April 18. Depending on your bank, funds will then become available within 1 to 3 business days after Relay releases the refund. 

    • Tuition overpayment made by a student or employer can expect the refunds to be released to their personal bank account within three weeks after the overpayment date. 

    • AmeriCorps Awards reimbursements who have also completed the AmeriCorps Refund Agreement can expect the refunds to be released to their personal bank account within three weeks after the AmeriCorps Award submission and agreement have been sent to Relay.



Please log into your Nelnet student portal:

  1. Click on the Nelnet tile

  2. Create an account (if applicable).

  3. Click on Manage Refunds

  4. Enter your bank account details







Los estudiantes recibirán un reembolso porque su reembolso se emitirá a través de Deposito directo.


Plazos de reembolso importantes a considerar:

  • Estudiantes que esperan un reembolso de,

    • Las solicitudes de ayuda financiera federal pueden esperar que los fondos se liberen en su cuenta dentro de las dos semanas posteriores a la fecha de desembolso programada.

      • Por ejemplo, si su préstamo directo sin subsidio se desembolsa en su cuenta de Relay el 4 de abril, el reembolso se liberará a más tardar el 18 de abril. Dependiendo de su banco, los fondos estarán disponibles dentro de 1 a 3 días hábiles después de que Relay libere el reembolso.

    • Los pagos en exceso de matrícula realizados por un estudiante o empleador pueden esperar que los reembolsos se envíen a su cuenta bancaria personal dentro de las tres semanas posteriores a la fecha del pago en exceso.

    • Reembolsos de premios AmeriCorps que también completado el Acuerdo de reembolso de AmeriCorps puede esperar ellos reembolsos se liberarán en su cuenta bancaria personal dentro de las tres semanas posteriores a que la presentación del Premio AmeriCorps y el acuerdo se hayan enviado a Relay.



Por favor inicie sesión en su Nelnet Portal estudiantil:

  1. Hacer clic sobre el Nelnet teja

  2. Crea una cuenta (si es aplicable).

  3. Haga clic en Administrar reembolsos

  4. Introduce los datos de tu cuenta bancaria

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