If you have an outstanding balance due to Relay, you can take steps to pay or lower your balance, and resolve a hold if one was placed on your account.
To resolve or avoid being on a hold, being administratively withdrawn, or not receiving your diploma, please see possible next steps below.
Pay your bill. See instructions here.
If you’re on a payment plan, continue on-time installment payments through your designated due date. This will keep you on-track for registration or to receive your diploma, if applicable. Prior term balances are not added to the payment plan and must be resolved as well.
Apply your AmeriCorps Award to current or prior balances.
Apply for federal financial aid, if eligible, enough to cover your current term balance and any other expenses. Contact SFS at [email protected] for additional information.
IMPORTANT - Balances from this term and all prior terms need to be paid in full. Any unresolved balances from 2023-2024 or before, will result in an administrative withdrawal by the start of the following term, or you will be ineligible to receive your diploma.
If you’re expecting to register for next term courses:
If you have a balance: Make a payment as soon as possible. This balance prevents you from registration. You're still enrolled during this term and should continue with assignments and classes.
Any balance by the end of term will initiate an administrative withdrawal.
If you are administratively withdrawn because:
Of a balance and want to re-enroll, you need to pay your balance in full before re-enrollment is approved.
Of a program dismissal due to your academic standing, your balance must be paid in full to re-enroll.
If you have incomplete grades, you must reduce your balance to $500 or less to avoid an administrative withdrawal. Incomplete grades will be replaced to standing grades if withdrawn.
Note: If you have registered or been registered for next term courses, these registrations will be removed if you are administratively withdrawn.
If you’re expecting to graduate at the end of the term:
If you have a balance over $0: you will graduate with a balance, but you will NOT receive your diploma until your balance is paid in full. Please continue to make payments. You can check your balance via Nelnet.
If you’re planning to take make-up courses or resolve incomplete coursework:
If you have a balance: Relay will initiate our administrative withdrawal at the end of term.
If you do not resolve your balance, you will be administratively withdrawn effective the start of the following term.
If you are administratively withdrawn because:
Of any balance and want to re-enroll, you need to pay your balance in full before re-enrollment is approved.
Of a program dismissal due to your academic standing, your balance must be paid in full to re-enroll.
If you have incomplete grades, you must resolve your balance to avoid an administrative withdrawal. Incomplete grades will be replaced to standing grades if withdrawn.
Have questions or need guidance beyond this? Email us at [email protected] or sign up for an appointment with a Relay staff member.