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Home > Admissions & Prospective Student Advising > Certification/Licensure Guide > 2- What Does Residency and Non-Residency Mean?
2- What Does Residency and Non-Residency Mean?
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Residency vs. Non-Residency

Residency - Through the Relay Teaching Residency, talented and committed aspiring educators can launch a fulfilling career in teaching. The Residency provides a gradual on-ramp to teaching, as residents spend a full year embedded in the classroom of a Mentor Teacher before leading their own classroom in the second year. Through the Residency, Relay students will learn from experienced faculty and a network of peers, while earning a salary, a master’s degree, and/or teacher certification or licensure. Program aligned job titles for the Residency include: Teaching Resident, Paraprofessional, Assistant Teacher.


Non-Residency - Relay offers non-residency programs that are designed to support educators in the field through graduate coursework and clinical experiences, with observation and feedback from Relay faculty with deep teaching experience. Through coursework, clinical experiences, and the support of Relay faculty and a school-based mentor teacher, Relay students will lead their own classrooms and develop the skills needed to help all children grow. They will also receive coaching and support from our team of experienced faculty to help them prepare for state certification exams. Program-aligned job titles for the Non-Residency include Teacher of record.


For more information on acceptable roles and job titles for Residency and Non-Residency positions, see the location pages.


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